ICT as a Informative Tool

Using informative tools such as text, image, audio, video, animation and graphics design a learning task for primary children. When you design the learning activity consider the following components:

  • Software application or apps, website or instructional games

  • Utility of the activity (usefulness)

  • Source of information   

Types or category of informative tool

software/apps/website/simulation/instructional games

Learning activities of learning

Utility of learning activities 

Sources of information (references, wen links, websites, etc)


Google Docs

class  : V

Subject : English

Activity : let the learners write a 100 word summary about the poem “”The six blind man”.

Helps students regenerate their understanding.

Helps them understand the poem better



Word document 

Insert or draw pictures of the concept of how each part of an elephant was seen

They can either browse or draw 

Offline word document installed in the computer 



Students will listen to a short description of the poem

It will enhance their learning skills



Powerpoint presentation 

Choose any man from the six men and make an animation of what part of the elephant he felt and how he described it.

Enhance their creativity.

Offline powerpoint presentation installed in the computer.



class  : V

Subject : English

Activity : click on the link provided and watch the video. After watching the video, record yourself mentioning one example each for all eight parts of speech. Choose the words from the poem “Six Wise Men”.

Students will understand about parts of speech in depth 

Students will gain confidence to speak up.

They will be able to share their thoughts.

PARTS OF SPEECH 📚 | English Grammar | Learn with examples


Word document 

Draw one description of the elephant given by the man.

Enhance their drawing skills

Offline word document installed in the computer.

Learning task using Informative Tool 

  • Text , images , audio, video, animation, graphics  

Informative Tool Using Text

1. Fill in the blanks

2. State true or false questions

Fill in the blanks

1. Cow eats ­­­___ Grass______.

2. Cow has ____ four legs___.

State true or false

1. Birds have two wings. Choose an item.

2. A dog has two legs. Choose an item.

Designing survey questions

Statement of the questions






Reinforcement in Bhutanese students

1=Strongly disagree




5=Strongly Agree

1. Reinforcement is very helpful

2. Reinforcement is used quite often

Usage of reinforcement in classroom

1=Strongly disagree




5=Strongly Agree

1. I have seen teachers using reinforcement

 Using Image

Name or identify the following image given:


Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item.


Using Audio

Listen to the audio carefully and answer the following question

