

SMAR Model: Level of ICT Integration  Subject: Science  Topic: water filter Class level:  Prerequisite : we used pictures in the textbook Topic/ Content to teach Substitution  Augmentation  Modification  Redefinition Creating a water filter  Students will use to show the steps of creating a water filter. Students will use google to search for the most appropriate pictures to show the steps of creating a water filter and insert it in google slides. Students will insert the steps they put in to the google slides presentation to show the illustration. Students will do a short presentation through zoom by making use of their google slide.

Online Course Certificate


ICT as a Informative Tool

Using informative tools such as text, image, audio, video, animation and graphics design a learning task for primary children. When you design the learning activity consider the following components: Software application or apps, website or instructional games Utility of the activity (usefulness) Source of information    Types or category of informative tool software/apps/website/simulation/instructional games Learning activities of learning Utility of learning activities  Sources of information (references, wen links, websites, etc) Text  Google Docs class  : V Subject : English Activity : let the learners write a 100 word summary about the poem “”The six blind man”. Helps students regenerate their understanding. Helps them understand the poem better Image  Word document  Insert or draw pictures of the concept of how each part of an elephant was seen ...

ICT as a Communicative Tool

Content of communicative tool Discuss some of the most effective communicative tools used during online class? How have teachers used collaborative tools during the pandemic time to enhance their learning. How have teachers-maintained engagement with students through communicative tools during the pandemic time? Some of the most effective communicative tools used during online class are: Zoom  VLE Telegram  Google classroom Email  Whatsapp wechat Teachers used collaborative tools such google classroom, zoom meeting Communicative tools were one of the most effectively used elements during the  pandemic time. The teachers used communicative tools such as telegram, wechat, whatsapp, emails and vle to pass information and announcements to their learners. Teachers made use of zoom to do virtual video conferences and to teach. And they made us use vle and google classroom to upload our assignments, to post their video and audio lessons for us to get access. They also provi...

ICT as a Constructive Tool

Imagine about your own locality or home and design and create, come up with creative and innovative ideas, connections, representation of different objects and diagrams about your respective home, provide a label for objects and description about your home.